10. Read anything by Jennifer Weiner. Fun summer books that address serious issues about body image, motherhood, etc. with lots of laugh out loud characters and dialogue. Informal poll of the staff recommends her first novel Good In Bed.
9. Write feminist personal ads for you and your friends (or revenge personals for your ex). Send them to us and we’ll post ‘em!
8. Take your clothes off. No bitching about your thighs, tummy, whatever.
7. Have an iced tea tasting. Restaurants always have tons of flavored tea and lemonade in the summer and it’s a great way to go out with the girls, get hydrated, and not spend a ton of money.
6. Hang out at your local bookstore. Chances are it’s air conditioned and you can pick up some beach books to make you feel like you’re at the beach.
5. Volunteer at the humane society to wash dogs. Then you can play with the hose and be making a difference. Plus there’s puppies!
4. Go see Melissa Etheridge in Eugene. It may not be 100◦, but I guarantee it will be hot. If you can’t go, blast music into your yard and play in a kiddie pool or sprinkler.
3. Get and eat the prepackaged raw cookie dough. Then eat microwave popcorn for dinner and watch one of our favorite movies. Who wants to cook anyway!
2. Introduce yourself to some feminist magazines—Bitch, Bust, and Lilith are some of our favorites. It’s to hot to read War and Peace, and admit it, you don’t even want to think about how nice and cool it is in Russia, so get some bite sized feminist fun. Plus magazines work great as fans.
1. Come to the OSU Women’s Center—IT’S AIR CONDITIONED!!
Feminist personal ads?! That's fun...anyone know any good single men? Or women? :)
Melissa Etheridge would be amazing!! I am just sad that is 8 days before I get paid :(
I laughed when I read these. It's funny that this is like just a girl's day out kind of thing but more feminist. There are so many things to do that I never thought of ever. I feel like they are things that I do all the time but in different forms, like hanging out in the library just because it is hot, or doing ice tea tastings, but tasting other drinks in specific days. Personal ads are always fun, we used to do that to one another when we were bored. It would be a hilarious joke we would all do, and someone will be shocked in the end. I was wondering where all this stuff to do was made up. I'd be surprised if girls didn't try these things on their own.
christina lee
I wish I had heard about some of these ideas last year!!! I think I am going to help out at the animal shelter this summer and play with the puppies in my free time. It seems like a good way to volunteer and meet some really cool people. I also like the iced tea tasting idea. Getting together with friends is hard when you’re working all summer, so having a plan for the day is nice and a really good motivator for you and your friends. I love going to bookstores with my sister and when it’s hot outside taking the drive in a T-top car to the book store is really fun for us, and it is great sister bonding. We usually end up spending at least 3 hours there, and then end up getting lunch. Most of these are great ways to bond with people and have fun while doing it!
Talya Ylvisaker
These are some awesome ideas and they make me want the season to change soon. So that way I can do some of these things out of these top ten. I would have never thought of doing some of these things before on an extremely hot day. I usually try to get into a lake, pool, run through the sprinkler, or find some cool shade to sit in, but those are not the most creative possibilities that can be done. These ideas give me new potential activities that I can work on doing. On a day like today, raining, somewhat miserable and cloudy, makes me want summer to hurry up and get there. That way I can sit with a good book next to a pool drinking something to cool me down like iced tea for one day and then maybe another day go to the humane society and help out with animals there.
Sara Steward
These are such great ideas!!! Especially for college age women if your staying in the Corvallis area for summer, it can be slow sometimes. I like how all the things to do were pro women in some way, shape or form. I really liked the idea of going on an iced tea tasting, I've never thought of it and it is a good cheap way to just hang with the girls. I also like the just get naked one! Now all we have to do is get through this rain to the 100 degree weather.
Nicole Lane
All of these things sound really fun if you were stuck in Oregon for the summer. I would definitely try all of these and have already tried some of them. It is ironic that they are feminist things but sound so fun and I know some guys would want to join me on some of these activities. My favorite that I have not tried yet is to go iced tea tasting. That is a great way of staying refreshed, cool, and to go out and have fun with the girls. It is so true that you don’t have to spend so much money doing this especially since I am a broke college student. I would also be in a bikini the whole time doing these activities.
Trisha Lamay-McVay
What can I say? I love it. There are so many things that you can do around the summer time when you are bored and it is hot. Also, so much of this promotes a good sense of self and self-confidence. So many normal people nowadays are too scared to remove clothing because of the crazy idea that they are “too fat”. No! Models are just too skinny! If you want to stay cool and you don’t have air conditioning, logically you should remove some layers. I found the personal ads idea very entertaining. It would definitely build self-confidence to refer to yourself with feminist ideals in mind. It would also be interesting to see what would happen if you posted them on Craig’s list or something, just to see what kind of replies the ad would get. I’d assume that it would be a surprising number because many guys would find it refreshing to finally see a “real” woman. There are so many things on here that could be used year-round as well, such as watching a movie with popcorn and cookie dough. Going to a concert is also a fun year-round activity (if you have the money). And, as always, the Women’s Center is definitely open for whenever.
-Shannon Grealish
I very much enjoy lists, especially when they’re of things to do. I have to agree with Christina Lee’s comment, though, that it’s a fairly normal list. In fact, I’m not quite sure I would consider it very ‘feminist’ except for the reading content (Bitch, by the way, rocks—one of my close friends once dated Jonanna Widner), suggested movie list, and maybe the Melissa Etheridge concert one. I also didn’t realize that the OSU Women’s Center is open during the summer, so I may definitely have to look into spending time there, especially since I haven’t seen Bitch, Bust, or Lilith anywhere else. I think my favorite suggestion, though, would be nine or six—probably nine. What would a feminist personal ad look like, and would it at least use proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar (unlike most Craigslist ads)? I’ll have to ponder writing one up to send in.
-Julie Brown
So I'm reading this and it's just making me wish it was warm out once again. But alas, it's not. So instead I've come up with a list of (not necessarily feminist but still fun) things to do now that it's about 30 degrees out and raining.
*Reading is still a good idea! Nothing quite like grabbing a good book and a warm blanket.
*Build a fire. Preferrably in a fireplace.
*Make some cookies. Or tea. Hot chocolate. The possibilities are limitless.
*Pajama party? Oh, you know you wanna wear those pajama pants all day. And nothing gives you a better excuse than a themed party.
*Movies. Nuff said.
*And as always, you can always go to the Women's Center. Unlike us poor college students, they can afford to let the heat run.
Tanner Cheyne
Oh wow well when ever the weather decides to go to 100 degrees, I am so going to try your top ten ideas. I have gone to the human society and that was a lot of fun to play with the animals. Lemonade is also so much fun to go out and get with your girls. But making it with your girls is even better, and then enjoying while playing in the sprinklers. But just for someone to come up with a top ten is so cool, and funny.
I love this. These are such great ideas and best of all they dont cost that much money. We all know what it is like sitting around in the 100 degree weather with nothing to do and how awful it can be. My favorite is the iced tea tasting. I love iced tea and am definately going to have to try this this summer.
Kymala Lovisone
Some of these sound like a lot of fun. I especially like number three about eating the prepackaged raw cookie dough; and putting it in ice cream is even better! I love that summertime is all about running around outside with your friends, having iced tea tastings, and playing around in kiddie pools. These are all great inexpensive ways to enjoy the heat and have fun. During the summers my friends and I always go to get ice cream, but sample as many as we can before we decide on a flavor, just to make sure we’re getting the right ones. It is so nice to have a break from school, and not have to worry about anything other than keeping cool and hydrated.
Katie Leveille
"These Top 10 Fun and Feminist Things to do when it's 100 Degrees" are some awesome ideas. Reading all of these different ideas made me excited for summer. It also inspired me to get a tad bit more creative when I have down time in the sun this summer. I liked #8. I feel like I constantly hear girls complain in the summer when they have to put their swim suit on….when they could just be enjoying getting a tan in their own skin. I haven’t ever heard of the magazines Bitch, Bust, or Lilith. I would be interested in reading a feminist magazine over the summer time. Where could I purchase on of those magazines?! Also is the Women center open all summer long?
*Carly Norman
The average summer day in Corvallis is defiantly not the most entertaining. There are things to do that can keep you cool and enjoy life at the same time. Some others are just wondering around by the river on 1st street to see the different shops and look at the water. Not something you would want to do every day but it defiantly is a cooler spot than say off of Kings Blvd. The air conditioned buildings are defiantly a plus, it keeps you cool and entertained. If you go get an iced coffee at Starbucks it will not only take the edge off, but it’s still a cool spot (air conditioned). The worst part I hate about being in a hot spot is that the nights don’t usually cool off the house until real late, so another idea to help prevent sweating in your bed all night, sleep outside. Put a couch outside and just relax under the stars.
Grant Matlock
This blog is hilarous when it comes to the Feminist personal ads? wow I guess if I was really hot and really bored I could put a personal ad in for my ex to. Who wouldnt want to write a personal ad for an ex as a revenage. Most people enjoy going swiming or eatting something cold when its hot, but I never thought of this top 10 ways to beat the heat. though I bet a library would be very cold and keep your mind off the heat, while reading a book by Jennifer Weiner.How funny would it be to take off all your clothes in the hot summer air and not worry about what you look like. wow i could not do that. Though eatting a whole thing of cookie dough sound amazing. People love to go to costco to try different foods, so number 7 on the list on tea tasting sounds great. you could even pick up your friends and make it a girls day out.
Mg Thomas
This list of things to do when it is hot outside was funny. Some of them were actually pretty good ideas, like the idea to go tea tasting or go to a book store because it is air conditioned. Those are some things that I have never thought of to do but I definatly will try those out this summer when it is too hot to bare almost. I thought the idea of writing personal ads for fun, or making personal ads about an ex boyfriend were funny because that’s something totally random but totally funny at the same time. This was pretty much a list of things that I do to hang out during the summer with my girl friends but we just don’t do as feminist of stuff. I think that probably most girls would enjoy doing most of these things because they sound pretty fun.
-Heather Woodbury
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