OK, so I know it’s been going on for a while now, but when did babies become accessories? More importantly, with all the media on celebrity moms (and the occasional dad, but only if the mom’s not famous enough) and not their nannies, how is it that we haven’t managed to have a real talk about motherhood in this country? Grrr. Suddenly we’ve gone from June Cleaver—who admittedly vacuumed in high heels—or Murphy Brown—bad shoulder pads, but took on single motherhood and the establishment—to sultry sex kitten 3 weeks after giving birth. I want a real discussion as to the message we’re sending women who can’t afford full time nannies, huge houses, personal trainers, and chefs about their ability to be a good mother. And anyway, who decides what a good mother is!?!

On that note, what the hell happened to Michelle Obama!?! A year and change ago when asked on 60 minutes about fears of assassination she pointed out that as a black man, Barack could be shot going to the gas station and now we have the cover of US Weekly (I think) with the pull quote from Barack “Nothing is More Important to Michelle than Being a Good Mother”. Double Grrr. If only I didn’t have to vote for him…Anyway, I agree with Feministing, Michelle Obama for President!! (includes the 60 minutes clip)
Wish I could find a Rave for you, but it’s Monday. Maybe later!
This babies becoming accessories thing is completely true. I do not know how many times I have heard about Katie Holmes and her daughter on every single magazine and the news. And what is the most interesting about this is that what they are talking about is what Suri Cruz is wearing. Since when is what a toddler’s outfit choice the headline on every magazine and so important to the people in our society. She is a young girl and is now going to be pressured in to looking like a fashion icon as she grows up in the spotlight because he parents are movie stars. It is rather sad that this is what we want to read about instead of what is going on in our world and country. Also, shall I add she is barley ever spotted with Tom Cruz, instead, Katie is always the one taking her out doing her home-maker wife duties!
I loved Murphy Brown, my mom and I used to watch that when I was young!
Anyway, I’ve definitely pondered the idea of celebrities and their babies nowadays, how it seems to be the next step from carrying tiny dogs (while naming them Apple, Coco, Moon Unit and Blanket). Women are constantly comparing themselves to celebrities and trying to keep up the beauty ideal, which, aesthetically, I understand in a culture so centered on sex appeal. However, it seems to me to be the woman’s problem if she’s comparing her parenting skills and overall approach on life to a celebrity. The pressures of the media are indeed a strong force to resist, but there needs to be a point where people take pride in their accomplishments and self-growth instead of looking to the unrealistic lives of women who don’t even have their entire story told to the public in the first place. If you spend your life comparing yourself to everyone else, you doom yourself to misery because you will always find someone who you think is better than you in some way.
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