Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fantasies for "Bistanders"


Here at the Women’s Center we thrive on making marginalized populations feel at home and comfortable within the space and then we do some kick-ass activism to create resources to serve their needs.

It’s a cool job, yet it seems our work is never done. Recently it has been brought to our attention (thanks to diligently reading “The Advocate,” from cover to cover) that a population within a marginalized population is being marginalized. I know, it’s complicated but try your best to follow along:

Those who identify as the “B” in LGBTQQIA communities are often left out of conversations and mainstream sexual identity. Their needs aren’t being met and rarely does the LGBTQQIA community showcase and praise the celebs and gay-friendly icons who enjoy the company of all. Well ladies and gentlemen who swing more than one way, during our down time while snacking on cupcakes, we searched high and low on the big World Wide Web to find you some of the hottest Bi’s from current pop culture A-listers to those sexy swingers from the days of yore.

Angelina Jolie
Laurel Holloman
Marlon Brando
Dave Navarro
Janis Joplin
Margaret Cho
Herman Melville
Jenny McCarthy
Kurt Cobain
Marlene Dietrich
Roy Simmons
William Shakespear
Natalie Portman
Michael Huffington
David Bowie
Julius Cesar
Cynthia Nixon
Susan B. Anthony (whatever, she's hot, don't deny)
Billie Joe Armstrong
Drew Barrymore
James Dean
Little Richard (he may appeal to some)
Dr. Kinsey (homeboy was obsessed with sex and we think that's sexy)
Kristy McNichol