I still can't decide if it's a good thing that I can stream CSPAN's coverage of the Kagan confirmation hearings at my desk; I'm sure my co-workers are a bit concerned about the seemingly unprovoked bursts of invective coming from my little corner of the WC. Really, this ridiculous political posturing is not good for my blood pressure. Pretty much everyone has agreed that she will be confirmed, meaning that for the first time in history there will be 3 women concurrently serving on the court. Hurray! I am a bit afraid, however, that Justice Ginsburg will retire soon (I was terribly sorry to hear about the passing of her husband on Sunday) and will be replaced by a man to avoid the perception that it's a 'woman's seat'. I guess we will just have to see, but hopefully RBG won't retire any time soon, she is BY FAR my favorite justice. I sat 30 feet from her once and it was one of the greatest moments of my life.
Well, I haven't heard that a vote has been scheduled so until we can watch it at the WC--we had boos and cheers during the Sotomayor vote--there were a few highlights from today:
Diane Feinstein D-CA (girl crush!) closed her questioning with a wonderful wrap up on gender discrimination and Solicitor General Kagan's career of busting glass ceilings
Amy Klobuchar D-MN (potential girl crush) asking Solicitor General Kagan to weigh in on the essential question: Vampires or Warewolves. Priceless!
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