Thanks to Nicholas Kristof for putting together this special on women's equality as the social justice and moral crisis of the 21st century. While we always appreciate good work and good press on the issues, it burns me that what women have been saying, shouting, dying for, and demanding for years (decades, centuries) only becomes news when it has beautiful pictures and people have realized that it's strategically useful--see the discussion of how everyone has finally realized that working with women is the best way to fight global poverty, extremism, etc. Yup, we've been saying that for years (decades, centuries) as well. I've been saying it, I have a degree in it, and I still can't find a job!!
So here's the real deal. When we invest in women, they invest in others. It's really can be that simple. One study found that women reinvest in their community at 2-3 times the rate of men (as soon as I find that article among the hundreds on my computer I will link to it). A simple example is that if you give a woman money to buy a cow (or chickens, or a cell phone, or whatever) as she begins to make a profit from the milk she is more likely to put her children in school, to repair the water spigot in her village, to organize a collective to bring a nurse to her village, etc. These things benefit everyone and have a lasting effect; possibly through generations.
So, in honor of World Humanitarian Day PAY ATTENTION!! Then, do some small good in your own way. And don't forget to 'remember the ladies'...
Some other awesome things:
A good primer
Global Fund for Women
Guaranteeing enough to live on works wonders in Namibian village
A fantastic animation that shows what I just talked about
A list of orgs working on women's issues in the 2/3 world
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