Today, Tuesday April 28, 2009 is Equal Pay Day, a day designed to raise awareness to pay inequity in the United States. Always held on a Tuesday because Tuesday is the day on which women's wages from the week before catch up to men's--basically women have to work Monday through Friday PLUS Monday and part of Tuesday to make the same amount that men make Monday through Friday. A brand new report issued by the AAUW found that women's average salaries are just shy of $10,000 a year less than men's--a gap that can mean $500,000 to 1 million dollars lost in the average woman's working life (women in highly paid professional positions stand to lose much more!).
Of course when you average anything you lose the details, and as we all know, the devil is in the details. African-American women earn 67 cents on the white male dollar, Hispanic women 58 cents. And while the study didn't specifically address women with children, mothers earn less than non-mothers accross demographics. Men get promotions, women get demoted, fired, or lose pay when they have children.
Know the numbers, and at least today don't let me hear you saying feminism is dead...
To read an article about the report: HERE
To read AAUWs info on Pay Equity: HERE
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