Thursday, January 28, 2010

'Cause Not All Femininsts are Women


We here at the Women's Center recognize that not all good feminists are women (although we love the discussion) and as such we want to send a farewell tribute to the amazing activist and social justice powerhouse Howard Zinn who died yesterday at the age of 87.

Dr. Zinn, most famous for his A People's History of the United States (in which I thought the section on women was admittedly a bit weak), was a historian who questioned the established view of history, a radical leftist who spent his last day as a professor picketing in sympathy of a campus nurses' strike, and a teacher who was loved by students (including Alice Walker) but considered a troublemaker by University administrations (my kind a guy!).

Never one to sit back, he was writing and critiquing right up until the end, and his life is an admonition to us younger activists to keep the flame of dissent alive. May he rest in peace, Baruch dayan emet.

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